LYRIC: The Media Destroyed My Mind

Wandering aimlessly

Guided by my TV

Confusion peaking as I'm smothered by their soundbites

Don't know what's real or not

Can't construct my own thoughts

Brainwashing from that box I feel dehumanized

Are my own choices mine?

They're fucking with my mind

Newspapers they all lie

What happened to real life?

I don't know my fact from fiction

I'm controlled by television

Know I voted for them

Why'd I do that again?

Good idea at the time is now a living nightmare!

Why did I buy that crap?

I have no need for that!

So much plastic shit and no money left to spare

Get up and work all day

Because I need the pay

Why is that anyway?

I just do as they say

I have got no control of my life

The media destroyed my mind

What is real and what's made up

I know more about celebraties than about myself

Give me back my own mind!

TV, won't you entertain me?

I have got no use for my brain today

There ain't much left of it anyway

Aren't you tired of being their drones

Or do you not even know

They've got us suckered in and I can't wait until the day their media burns!

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LYRIC: The Bigger Picture

Lost in sensationalism, a pop-culture prison

Incoherent image parade

Another news flash, but nothing that lasts

Just soundbites and vacuous commentary

Here today gone tomorrow, our media forsakes

It's purpose to keep us informed

Preferring to make a climate fit for shopping

Than one fit for democracy

We're living in the information age

And we know less than we did before

We see the words and feel the emotions they want us to feel 

But miss out on understanding

As shallow reporting abut non-incidents

Takes precedent over our need to be informed

On issues affecting our lives

Not about what there is to buy

Disjointed stories out of context 

Give us nothing but so much wasted paper

The information superhighway

Has been diverted down a byway

Keeping us fooled, by their slanting

Feed us the facts sans understanding

They're out to please advertisers not to inform you or me

Flickering visuals

News shown like rock videos

Incomplete events

A billion stories all sadly lacking and


What about the bigger picture?

They're out to please advertisers, not to inform you or me.

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LYRIC: Junk Food News

Have you heard the news?

Not the stuff about the wars or politics

But the celebrity views

A TV celeb thinks this about their latest flick

And have you seen the shocking pictures?

Not of starving children in Iraq

But of those ghastly trousers

The ones that made some pop-star look fat

Forget about that bill

The one that takes more freedoms away from us

Cuz they've invented a pill

To take your head away from all that fuss

It must be very good, all the big-shot actors are using it

It's here in the papers!  The exciting world of Hollywood politics!


It's junk-food news, it takes away the attention

Government is boring

They can do what they like with our taxes

My favourite star has got a new haircut!



We've got nuclear bombs

Ours are pointing at countries and others are pointing back

But the Oscars were fun

And war brings us down so let's just laugh!

We'll get a four minute warning, those watching the news won't know what it's about

Everyone'll die, ignorant of why

But aware of the lates films to come out

It's junk-food news, it takes away the attention

Government is boring

They can do what they like with our taxes

My favourite star has got a new haircut!

Yes my favourite star has got a new haircut

And that actress I like she is pregnant

And sure I might die ignorant

But at least I knew who was sleeping with who!

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