LYRIC: March In Line

March in line for the London Olympics

March in line for the Queen’s Jubilee

March in line for the coalition government

March in line for the economy


March in line as they take away your services

March in line as your pay and pension freeze

March in line as they take away your benefits

March in line as they bring you to your knees


March in line as they talk about the deficit 

March in line and don’t talk about the war

March in line and forget about the cause of this

March in line and don’t ask what you’re marching for


And don’t forget your flags

Yes you must wave your pretty flags


And march in line for the right team in the football game

March in line and love the same celebrities

March in line and pick conveyor opportunities

March in line to serve your master’s every need


March in line when they tell you that you lost your job

March in line as they spin your tears to gold

March in line to the growing unemployment queue

March in line and maybe you won’t feel the cold


March in line for the new great depression

March in line for a taste of poverty

March in line for the bankers and their bonuses

March in line in the name of your country


And don’t forget your flags

Yes you must wave your pretty flags

Starving children dressed in rags

They all wave their pretty flags


And march in line


March in line like a lamb off to the slaughter

March in line and say a prayer for corporate greed

March in line and stop asking awkward questions

March in line and march until your feet bleed.


March in line.

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LYRIC: Too Long; Didn’t Read

Remember when the internet would save us all?

Information freely shared – no obstacle?

Do you remember ugly sites, with big ideas?

The greatest research resource invented in years?

When did this tool to learn become lobotomized?

How did we let it make us so infantilized?

A world of knowledge lying at our fingertips

But mainly used for dancing cats and nipple slips

Too long; didn’t read

A 21stCentury creed

Retweet, like, share

But there’s no substance anywhere

Soundbite platitude

Count how many times it’s been viewed

Clickbait, monetize

Only the vacuous will survive

The answers to our greatest woes could be online

Hidden in plain sight, ignored cuz we don’t have time

Update a status, tell the world the food I eat

But never read what won’t fit in a single tweet

Too long; didn’t read

A 21stCentury creed

Retweet, like, share

But there’s no substance anywhere

Soundbite platitude

Count how many times it’s been viewed

Clickbait, monetize

Only the vacuous will survive

I am connected every minute, every day

Search engines beckoning to guide my way

Knowledge is power but I’m feeling so weak

I sleep much better when the world is kept oblique 

Too long; didn’t read

A 21stCentury creed

Retweet, like, share

But there’s no substance anywhere

Soundbite platitude

Count how many times it’s been viewed

Clickbait, monetize

Only the vacuous will survive

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LYRIC: What Happened?

A week in this world’s enough to make all hope go out the door

Racist murders, mass destruction, ignorance and war

Pseudo-democracy that benefits only the elites

While the masses have no voice with which they can speak

Demonstrations ignored, protests dismissed

Popular uprising is just met with fists

Propaganda machines manufacture consent

To make us all tools of a government

Who are tools to corporate CEOs and their cash

Please take this away and give none of it back


What happened?  Reality is so the opposite of how it’s supposed to be

What happened?  Why is no one looking out for each other anymore?

What happened?  Everything thing has been bought or sold, our needs left in the cold

What happened?  What happened to the world?


All of our leisure and pleasure is not what we need

False wants implanted creating consumer greed

No concern for whether we will benefit

Only motivated by their increased profit

The tiny privileged minority

Exploiting a bought-off majority

Clouded so much by PR that we no longer see

What is it we actually need.


What happened?  Why can we not buy food that’s not been chemically abused?

What happened?  Why are there so few people rich and so many very poor?

What happened?  Why do we not see that we are clearly not free?

What happened?  What happened to the world?


What happened to community?  Everyone out for each other’s needs?

Now we’re just out for our wealth.  Don’t give a damn about public health.

All we buy leads to our death.  No-one’s accountable for this mess.

Free trade counts, our lives do not – a public exploited to keep them on top

It’s gotta stop!

This is not the world I want to live in

Violence rules and is fed by this system

I won’t be a puppet for a puppeteer that kills me

I no longer want to be a spectator in my own democracy!


What happened?  Why are we not a part in the running of our lives?

What happened?  Why is life so unlike the life I was promised as a child?

What happened?  Why are we so desensitized to the loss of lives?

What happened?  What happened to the world?

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LYRIC: Acceptable

There's crazy Joe he's talking to himself again, 

Diagnosed schitzo, everybody laughs at him 

Call him names, take the piss, label him a lunatic 

As he talks to his imaginary friend called Eric

There's Reverand John he's praying to himself again 

Communities' most trusted, everybody's friends with him 

They think he's great, a role model, nothing about him is odd 

Cuz the imaginary friend he talks to has the name of GOD 

Why is it OK to talk to yourself if your "talking to God" But if you're not talking to God, you're judged insane and labelled odd? 

Gibberish!  The title of a hobo's raves and rants 

The same affliction's "talking in tongues" when it happens to a Christian 

When will these silly double standards ever end? 

Never -  Cuz God is the socially acceptable imaginary friend. 

God's the socially acceptable imaginary friend

Believe in him or be locked away 

If you hear God talking when you pray 

You're as crazy as the next guy and should be locked away 

Eric and God: there's no proof of either one 

So go free all mental patients or go lock up all the Christians 

God's the socially acceptable imaginary friend

Believe in him or be locked away/ Believe in him or be sent to hell 

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LYRIC: Too Lazy To Live

Drinking your life away 

You down a six pack everyday 

It's not enough that you're destroying yourself

Throw your litter on the ground, polluting the planet for everyone else 

Lazy fucks are always driving cars 

Nowadays a half-mile walk is far too far 

Smog, cancer, asthma, other vicious treats 

Planet's being ruined just to save your aching feet 

People only care about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Too concerned with their own lives 

To care if mankind survives 

Time is running out 

Litter cuz we can't be bothered to put things away 

Drive instead of walk to save a second in your day 

Can't be arsed to dispose of it properly so your waste goes in the sea 

I say that we're killing ourselves and I'm greeted with apathy 

AIDS and cancer are dangerous 

But our most fatal disease is our laziness 

More contagious than a cold 

When smog stops you breathing don't complain-you have been told! 

People care too much about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Greedy for convenience and free time 

Mankind does not deserve to survive 

Laziness will be your death 

Selfishness will be your death 

The planet's time is almost up 

Just cuz no one gives a fuck 

Ice caps melting and flooding the ground 

Cancer causing smogs are all around 

Earth won't die now give it a few more years 

You don't care you won't be here 

I hope reincarnation does exist 

So you come back and die on the land on which you pissed! 

I'll be laughing when your children die 

We'll be laughing when your children die! 

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LYRIC: Junk Food News

Have you heard the news?

Not the stuff about the wars or politics

But the celebrity views

A TV celeb thinks this about their latest flick

And have you seen the shocking pictures?

Not of starving children in Iraq

But of those ghastly trousers

The ones that made some pop-star look fat

Forget about that bill

The one that takes more freedoms away from us

Cuz they've invented a pill

To take your head away from all that fuss

It must be very good, all the big-shot actors are using it

It's here in the papers!  The exciting world of Hollywood politics!


It's junk-food news, it takes away the attention

Government is boring

They can do what they like with our taxes

My favourite star has got a new haircut!



We've got nuclear bombs

Ours are pointing at countries and others are pointing back

But the Oscars were fun

And war brings us down so let's just laugh!

We'll get a four minute warning, those watching the news won't know what it's about

Everyone'll die, ignorant of why

But aware of the lates films to come out

It's junk-food news, it takes away the attention

Government is boring

They can do what they like with our taxes

My favourite star has got a new haircut!

Yes my favourite star has got a new haircut

And that actress I like she is pregnant

And sure I might die ignorant

But at least I knew who was sleeping with who!

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LYRIC: There Must Be More Than This To Life

I'm astounded at your bitterness

Your apathy and unwillingness

To build a better place for us

And just accept this shit

The oppression's indisputable

It is unacceptable

So why are you so disagreeable

To alternatives to this?


Don't be fooled cuz you're comfortable

Aim for the impossible

To your boss you're just a pain in the ass

You lose your life to claim your wage

You lose more time everyday

Why do you put up with this crap?


There must be more than this to life?

Brainwashed so you cannot fight

And as they pull the budget tight

It's unfair but you don't speak out

Capitalist ideology

In the interests of them-not you and me

We must fight against THEM don't you see?

Don't be docile, SHOUT!


It's not in their interests to be nice

They care for money not people's lives

And it's the apathy that let this grow-you know

You may think utopias can't exist

But anything must be better than this

This exploitative system must go!



There must be more than this to life!

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LYRIC: Spin-Cycle on Greenwash

Some people really believe all the things they see on TV, 

All the things they read in the news 

No independent points of view 

McDonalds is nutritious 

Nestle chocolate is delicious 

Shell and BP: Eco-friendly 

We live in a democracy 

So much fiction - PR vision 

To find the truth is quite a mission 

All the facades, all the lies 

They want cash, who cares who dies! 


Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 


First we let them take the media 

Take the ways and means to feed ya 

Take the power, take the cash 

Now we have to get it back 

Soon they'll kill us if we let them 

They want profit, we want freedom 

They'll lie to us to protect themselves 

They want money and fuck our health! 

GM foods, consumer craze 

Fuck the dangers if it pays 

Well fuck them I've had enough 

These capitalist liars can get fucked! 

Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 

We don't want to be dying for you 

You try to hide but your lies we see through 

Inhuman monsters who only love cash 

Well we're making sure that these days are your last 

Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 

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LYRIC: Welcome to England (TM)

You think you live in a free nation? 

Well all I see is a corporation 

The government's our bosses and we are their slaves 

Poor health and safety and no minimum wage 

The day that we're born, we punch in the clock 

Only when dead do we finally sign off 

In between we slave away 

Life disallowed for those without pay 


Welcome to England, registered trademark

An affiliate of The West.Inc 

Your life is ours, we've supplied you a number… 

Shut up! Obey! You're our commodity! We'll use you until you die! 


If free, why must we earn our living? 

Life's a right that they are not giving! 

What do you work for? For joy or for cash? 

How much do you give how much do you get back? 

Fulfillment lacking there's no time for you 

Insignificant parts, just a human screw 

Keep you in line with fear and obey 

So they can use you for another day! 

Welcome to England, registered trademark

An affiliate of The West.Inc 

Your life is ours, we've supplied you a number… 

Shut up! Obey! You're our commodity! We'll use you until you die! 

Piss off, fuck you, I'm not your commodity, I'll resist and reclaim my life! 

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LYRIC: This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Streets filled with conspiracy 

The Masses Screaming To Be Free 

Demonstrators everywhere 

The rich are having quite a scare 

Fighting against corruption and a murderous regime 

The masses are uprising and are taking to the streets 

Protest's a right supposedly in this democracy 

So why the fuck is everywhere surrounded by police? 

Banners and singing against tear-gas, clubs and guns 

Who is really protecting the peace? 

This is what democracy looks like 

Is this what democracy looks like? 

Everyday people get fucked 

By this system so corrupt 

Corporate, capitalist sacks of shit 

Screw us over for more profit 

But now we're getting restless and we're beating on our drums 

A battle cry for freedom in our mass demonstrations 

Our anger turned to magic and some more direct action 

A democratic right to voice our dissatisfaction 

We're growing stronger not going away 

In fear they bring in their armies! 

This is what democracy looks like 

Is this what democracy looks like? 

Cuz to me it just looks like Marshall law! 

Undercover cops sparking up violence 

Military nerve gasses to stop our dissent 

Arrested for political opinions 

As rubber bullets fly at our painted faces 

The class war illustrated 

As the cops protect the ruling class 

This is your fucking democracy 

Aren't you proud of what you let pass? 

Freedom of speech beaten away 

We speak our minds, their batons raise! 

The confrontation evidence they've something to protect 

Throw all you can at us cuz we will never rest! 

We will fight until we win 

Your mind manipulation is fading fast! 

This ain't what democracy looks like! 

This ain't what democracy looks like! 

Because it's not a democracy when you're beaten up for speaking out 

This ain't a democracy-oh no! 


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LYRIC: Vote For Change

 The economy is fucked

You want a job you’re out of luck

And don’t you feel that sense of déjà vu?

For have we not heard this before?

The promise that they’ll do much more,

Kick the old guard out and start anew?

And isn’t it incredible

How absolutely gullible

In the end we all turn out to be?

The same old lies, a different voice

We still believe we have a choice

A vote for change we never really see




One speaks of audacity

The other a Big Society

In practice both illusions are the same

The re-branding of old ideas

Contemporized with modern fears

The same old story under a new name

And isn’t it familiar?

Euphoria, hysteria,

The sense of something new to start again?

And how that feeling soon falls flat

A creeping dread, you realize that

The brand new day you dreamt of never came




Did you really think they’d let you choose?

If it meant they might actually lose?

Did you really think you had a say?

When with the promise of salvation you’ll shut up and go away?


They keep on giving us black eyes

And yet we still feign our surprise

Every time the fist flies to our face

The actors change the play’s the same

Different rules to an unchanged game

A wealth of evidence on which to base

This isn’t just conspiracy

But documented history:

Those with power don’t let go the reigns

Yet still we hope each time again

That this is now and that was then

And blindly follow liars lulling “change”



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LYRIC: Anti-Me World

You do things that I think are stupid

I hate the way you’re all the same

Your ideas are the same as each others’

Your unoriginality is lame

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

Nothing is right for me, everything is wrong for me

And you can call me crazy

Just because I do things that are different to the norm

Why is this world so Anti-Me?

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

What you all do today just ain’t what I like

Infact to tell you the truth you’ve ruined my life

Won’t leave me alone and let me get on my way

Tease me call me crazy, weird, strange, and insane

You lot are ignorant you haven’t got a clue

My world is fine as long as I’m

Excluded from you

Be the same as everyone and meanwhile I shall

Continue in my struggle to be original

But this you won’t allow

In your Anti-Me world

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

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Lyric: Entrapment of the Flesh

Imagine a world cleansed of hate and fear where every view is listened to with an open ear,

Opression and greed no longer exist and there are no more laws just anarchists

Humanity finally decides to stop hating each other and create good lives

Anarchy not a vision or deluded dream, everyone gets along and the world is serene

But in this utopia our problems still won’t end

With human bodies wearing us we’ll still be slaves

To germs, bacteria, disease and illnesses that kill…

That’s it!  You’re sick!  And you’ll never be free in your human body!

Because when oppression is gone and we’re living in freedom, there’ll still be the chance of the flu…

That’s it!

Slave to the body even when the mind is free, try bucking the system when you’ve got the big C,

Plot the revolution to smash the state, put it in action with a raging headache!

Scientists are working on the perfect germ bomb

Lesson wasn’t learnt with AIDS that man cannot control disease and if he tries

He dies!

That’s it!  You’re sick!  And you’ll never be free in your human body!

Because when oppression is gone and we’re living in freedom, there’ll still be the chance of the flu…

That’s it!

Disease will sneak up on you stealthier than a government spook

There is no cure for sickness cuz you need the symptoms first to get your pills!

That’s it!  You’re sick!  And you’ll never be free in your human body!

Because when oppression is gone and we’re living in freedom, there’ll still be the chance of the flu…

That’s it!

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LYRIC: Reality Casualty

He woke at six as normal

Put on a face as normal

He went to work as normal

Smiled at colleagues as normal

His misery a hidden part of him

Until they found his hanging body

She went to Joy’s as normal

Coffee and chat as normal

Left at two as normal

Back to her home as normal

Threw her two kids to their deaths and then followed them out the window

Of their twelfth floor apartment

They lived their lives as normal

Saw all their friends as normal

Picked up the kid as normal

Gave him his tea as normal

Then went upstairs and shot themselves to death

Found by their six year old child

Just another reality casualty

Another case of this life’s misery

One person every hour and a half 

Give up on this life


So many fed up with this 


So many going without


Are our goals really what we need or just false lies from which we bleed?

He went to school as normal

Got pushed around as normal

Cried all alone as normal

Left at four as normal

A school tie was the substance of his noose

It’s getting them early now

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LYRIC: The Forbidden Curriculum

Propaganda decorates the walls, we’re taught to fear our masters

It’s in the rules that we don’t complain, if we do it is a disaster

Is this place Nazi Germany?

No it’s just my school

Subserviance is taught to me

The government’s prime tool

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation


National curriculum/National restriction

You can no longer use your brains

If you don’t go along with their marking schemes you’ll never get the grade!

Curriculumized, bastardized

School bores me, it’s no suprise

Creativity ain’t worth a hill of beans

With government approved marking schemes

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation


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