LYRIC: What Happened?

A week in this world’s enough to make all hope go out the door

Racist murders, mass destruction, ignorance and war

Pseudo-democracy that benefits only the elites

While the masses have no voice with which they can speak

Demonstrations ignored, protests dismissed

Popular uprising is just met with fists

Propaganda machines manufacture consent

To make us all tools of a government

Who are tools to corporate CEOs and their cash

Please take this away and give none of it back


What happened?  Reality is so the opposite of how it’s supposed to be

What happened?  Why is no one looking out for each other anymore?

What happened?  Everything thing has been bought or sold, our needs left in the cold

What happened?  What happened to the world?


All of our leisure and pleasure is not what we need

False wants implanted creating consumer greed

No concern for whether we will benefit

Only motivated by their increased profit

The tiny privileged minority

Exploiting a bought-off majority

Clouded so much by PR that we no longer see

What is it we actually need.


What happened?  Why can we not buy food that’s not been chemically abused?

What happened?  Why are there so few people rich and so many very poor?

What happened?  Why do we not see that we are clearly not free?

What happened?  What happened to the world?


What happened to community?  Everyone out for each other’s needs?

Now we’re just out for our wealth.  Don’t give a damn about public health.

All we buy leads to our death.  No-one’s accountable for this mess.

Free trade counts, our lives do not – a public exploited to keep them on top

It’s gotta stop!

This is not the world I want to live in

Violence rules and is fed by this system

I won’t be a puppet for a puppeteer that kills me

I no longer want to be a spectator in my own democracy!


What happened?  Why are we not a part in the running of our lives?

What happened?  Why is life so unlike the life I was promised as a child?

What happened?  Why are we so desensitized to the loss of lives?

What happened?  What happened to the world?


LYRIC: Too Long; Didn’t Read


LYRIC: Acceptable