LYRIC: Progressing Ever Backwards

Screaming-don't you hear it?

Screaming-I can hear it

Begging for sustainability

Climate-going crazy

Wildlife-dying daily

Death-throes of a raped and pillaged world

Green turns to concrete

Clear a wood erect a street

Hear me scream

Profit-before survival

Defeat-business rivals

Anything OK to get on top

Chokin-on their cost-cuts

Burning-from corners cut

Commodifying the environment

Progressing ourselves

Out of a future

Hear me scream

This is the 21st century

Exploited so the richest can achieve

We're so advanced, we've got so much money

We're just lacking everything we need

Progress-supposed to take us 

Forward-I only see us

Racing backwards to our destruction

Once we've -exploited all that

Earth has-on it to give us

Priced it up and put it up for sale

I have just one question for you

Where are you planning to live?

Hear me scream

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LYRIC: Too Lazy To Live

Drinking your life away 

You down a six pack everyday 

It's not enough that you're destroying yourself

Throw your litter on the ground, polluting the planet for everyone else 

Lazy fucks are always driving cars 

Nowadays a half-mile walk is far too far 

Smog, cancer, asthma, other vicious treats 

Planet's being ruined just to save your aching feet 

People only care about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Too concerned with their own lives 

To care if mankind survives 

Time is running out 

Litter cuz we can't be bothered to put things away 

Drive instead of walk to save a second in your day 

Can't be arsed to dispose of it properly so your waste goes in the sea 

I say that we're killing ourselves and I'm greeted with apathy 

AIDS and cancer are dangerous 

But our most fatal disease is our laziness 

More contagious than a cold 

When smog stops you breathing don't complain-you have been told! 

People care too much about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Greedy for convenience and free time 

Mankind does not deserve to survive 

Laziness will be your death 

Selfishness will be your death 

The planet's time is almost up 

Just cuz no one gives a fuck 

Ice caps melting and flooding the ground 

Cancer causing smogs are all around 

Earth won't die now give it a few more years 

You don't care you won't be here 

I hope reincarnation does exist 

So you come back and die on the land on which you pissed! 

I'll be laughing when your children die 

We'll be laughing when your children die! 

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LYRIC: Spin-Cycle on Greenwash

Some people really believe all the things they see on TV, 

All the things they read in the news 

No independent points of view 

McDonalds is nutritious 

Nestle chocolate is delicious 

Shell and BP: Eco-friendly 

We live in a democracy 

So much fiction - PR vision 

To find the truth is quite a mission 

All the facades, all the lies 

They want cash, who cares who dies! 


Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 


First we let them take the media 

Take the ways and means to feed ya 

Take the power, take the cash 

Now we have to get it back 

Soon they'll kill us if we let them 

They want profit, we want freedom 

They'll lie to us to protect themselves 

They want money and fuck our health! 

GM foods, consumer craze 

Fuck the dangers if it pays 

Well fuck them I've had enough 

These capitalist liars can get fucked! 

Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 

We don't want to be dying for you 

You try to hide but your lies we see through 

Inhuman monsters who only love cash 

Well we're making sure that these days are your last 

Spin-cycle on Green-wash 

The façade they give you is not a real world-view 

Reality has been lost 

PR distortion 

Morality abortion 

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