LYRIC: Stay Alert

Stay alert

Stay alert

Incompetence is coming for our life

Stay alert

Stay alert

To how they’re making us a sacrifice

Stay alert to their propaganda

Bold faced lies told with fake candour

In the name of ideology

Stay alert to manipulation

Distortion of the situation

Put us at risk for their economy 

Stay alert

Stay alert

To how the world transformed so easily

Stay alert

Stay alert

To all they do not want for us to see

Stay alert to the latest branding

Designed to twist our understanding

Repeat their slogan in our Twitter feed

Stay alert: their green and yellow warning

Suddenly the truth is dawning

They do not give a shit about you or me

So Stay Alert

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LYRIC: Social Distance

I’ve been self-isolating

Since before it was cool

But now that I have to

What is there to do?

There’s been social distance

Now for far too long

Where better than quarantine

To write a song?


Can we all come together now, alone,

And recognise that when we needed help,

We always had each other to provide? 

While the powers that be

Wrung their hands.


The old way of doing things

Falls to the ground

No shock to the system

Has been more profound

We watch the mask slipping

Beneath it we find

Nothing more was needed

Than just being kind


Can we all come together now, alone,

And recognise that when we needed help,

We always had each other to provide? 

While the powers that be

Wrung their hands.


There’s been social distance

Now for far too long

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