LYRIC: The Media Destroyed My Mind

Wandering aimlessly

Guided by my TV

Confusion peaking as I'm smothered by their soundbites

Don't know what's real or not

Can't construct my own thoughts

Brainwashing from that box I feel dehumanized

Are my own choices mine?

They're fucking with my mind

Newspapers they all lie

What happened to real life?

I don't know my fact from fiction

I'm controlled by television

Know I voted for them

Why'd I do that again?

Good idea at the time is now a living nightmare!

Why did I buy that crap?

I have no need for that!

So much plastic shit and no money left to spare

Get up and work all day

Because I need the pay

Why is that anyway?

I just do as they say

I have got no control of my life

The media destroyed my mind

What is real and what's made up

I know more about celebraties than about myself

Give me back my own mind!

TV, won't you entertain me?

I have got no use for my brain today

There ain't much left of it anyway

Aren't you tired of being their drones

Or do you not even know

They've got us suckered in and I can't wait until the day their media burns!


LYRIC: March In Line


LYRIC: Progressing Ever Backwards