LYRIC: Acceptable

There's crazy Joe he's talking to himself again, 

Diagnosed schitzo, everybody laughs at him 

Call him names, take the piss, label him a lunatic 

As he talks to his imaginary friend called Eric

There's Reverand John he's praying to himself again 

Communities' most trusted, everybody's friends with him 

They think he's great, a role model, nothing about him is odd 

Cuz the imaginary friend he talks to has the name of GOD 

Why is it OK to talk to yourself if your "talking to God" But if you're not talking to God, you're judged insane and labelled odd? 

Gibberish!  The title of a hobo's raves and rants 

The same affliction's "talking in tongues" when it happens to a Christian 

When will these silly double standards ever end? 

Never -  Cuz God is the socially acceptable imaginary friend. 

God's the socially acceptable imaginary friend

Believe in him or be locked away 

If you hear God talking when you pray 

You're as crazy as the next guy and should be locked away 

Eric and God: there's no proof of either one 

So go free all mental patients or go lock up all the Christians 

God's the socially acceptable imaginary friend

Believe in him or be locked away/ Believe in him or be sent to hell 

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LYRIC: Too Lazy To Live

Drinking your life away 

You down a six pack everyday 

It's not enough that you're destroying yourself

Throw your litter on the ground, polluting the planet for everyone else 

Lazy fucks are always driving cars 

Nowadays a half-mile walk is far too far 

Smog, cancer, asthma, other vicious treats 

Planet's being ruined just to save your aching feet 

People only care about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Too concerned with their own lives 

To care if mankind survives 

Time is running out 

Litter cuz we can't be bothered to put things away 

Drive instead of walk to save a second in your day 

Can't be arsed to dispose of it properly so your waste goes in the sea 

I say that we're killing ourselves and I'm greeted with apathy 

AIDS and cancer are dangerous 

But our most fatal disease is our laziness 

More contagious than a cold 

When smog stops you breathing don't complain-you have been told! 

People care too much about themselves 

Not concerned with anyone else 

Greedy for convenience and free time 

Mankind does not deserve to survive 

Laziness will be your death 

Selfishness will be your death 

The planet's time is almost up 

Just cuz no one gives a fuck 

Ice caps melting and flooding the ground 

Cancer causing smogs are all around 

Earth won't die now give it a few more years 

You don't care you won't be here 

I hope reincarnation does exist 

So you come back and die on the land on which you pissed! 

I'll be laughing when your children die 

We'll be laughing when your children die! 

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LYRIC: Anti-Me World

You do things that I think are stupid

I hate the way you’re all the same

Your ideas are the same as each others’

Your unoriginality is lame

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

Nothing is right for me, everything is wrong for me

And you can call me crazy

Just because I do things that are different to the norm

Why is this world so Anti-Me?

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

What you all do today just ain’t what I like

Infact to tell you the truth you’ve ruined my life

Won’t leave me alone and let me get on my way

Tease me call me crazy, weird, strange, and insane

You lot are ignorant you haven’t got a clue

My world is fine as long as I’m

Excluded from you

Be the same as everyone and meanwhile I shall

Continue in my struggle to be original

But this you won’t allow

In your Anti-Me world

Anti-me world makes me wanna hurl

I’m trapped in this place

If I don’t get out today I’ll get out another way

But deep down I know there’s no escape

From this Anti-Me World

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LYRIC: The Forbidden Curriculum

Propaganda decorates the walls, we’re taught to fear our masters

It’s in the rules that we don’t complain, if we do it is a disaster

Is this place Nazi Germany?

No it’s just my school

Subserviance is taught to me

The government’s prime tool

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation


National curriculum/National restriction

You can no longer use your brains

If you don’t go along with their marking schemes you’ll never get the grade!

Curriculumized, bastardized

School bores me, it’s no suprise

Creativity ain’t worth a hill of beans

With government approved marking schemes

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation


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