LYRIC: March In Line

March in line for the London Olympics

March in line for the Queen’s Jubilee

March in line for the coalition government

March in line for the economy


March in line as they take away your services

March in line as your pay and pension freeze

March in line as they take away your benefits

March in line as they bring you to your knees


March in line as they talk about the deficit 

March in line and don’t talk about the war

March in line and forget about the cause of this

March in line and don’t ask what you’re marching for


And don’t forget your flags

Yes you must wave your pretty flags


And march in line for the right team in the football game

March in line and love the same celebrities

March in line and pick conveyor opportunities

March in line to serve your master’s every need


March in line when they tell you that you lost your job

March in line as they spin your tears to gold

March in line to the growing unemployment queue

March in line and maybe you won’t feel the cold


March in line for the new great depression

March in line for a taste of poverty

March in line for the bankers and their bonuses

March in line in the name of your country


And don’t forget your flags

Yes you must wave your pretty flags

Starving children dressed in rags

They all wave their pretty flags


And march in line


March in line like a lamb off to the slaughter

March in line and say a prayer for corporate greed

March in line and stop asking awkward questions

March in line and march until your feet bleed.


March in line.

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LYRIC: We’re Not The Good Guys

So good to cheer for the home team

I fly my flag and I watch the news

We fight for right – that’s what it seems

The screaming crowds block other views


With intentions honourable, mistakes are often made

We’re always sorry


Collateral damage is a price to pay

We think it’s worth it just to save the day

We only kill when it will save lives


We’re not the good guys

We never were


The other is my enemey

We’re always on the winning side

The cheerleaders on my TV

Explain the other has to die


More murdered civilians – mistakes are often made

We’re always sorry


But murder ain’t murder if you have a rank

And if it helps put money in the bank

We only kill when it will save lives


We’re not the good guys

We never were


It’s hard to believe what I say

But believe me it’s harder to believe the lies

Historical record displays empirical fact that we’re not the good guys


We’re not the good guys

We never were

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