LYRIC: Stay Alert

Stay alert

Stay alert

Incompetence is coming for our life

Stay alert

Stay alert

To how they’re making us a sacrifice

Stay alert to their propaganda

Bold faced lies told with fake candour

In the name of ideology

Stay alert to manipulation

Distortion of the situation

Put us at risk for their economy 

Stay alert

Stay alert

To how the world transformed so easily

Stay alert

Stay alert

To all they do not want for us to see

Stay alert to the latest branding

Designed to twist our understanding

Repeat their slogan in our Twitter feed

Stay alert: their green and yellow warning

Suddenly the truth is dawning

They do not give a shit about you or me

So Stay Alert

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LYRIC: With Burning Anger

With burning anger I

Sing songs written in my youth

Furious that the 

lyrics still apply

Police brutality, government lies

Capitalism Sucks, innocents die

The Profitganda media march us to war

The rich getting richer the poor staying poor

With burning anger I

Watch the daily proof

A vindication I wish 

I wish was not the truth

Same ideologies/different hairstyles

Progress Ever Backwards for another few miles

Fat on Junk Food News and Culturally Dead

I Fear For The World, cuz it’s losing it’s head 

Is This What Democracy Looks Like?

Surely There Must Be More Than This To Life?

Or are we Too Lazy To Live?

With burning anger I

Write another song

Familiar lyrics

Until the problem’s gone

I stared at my navel but now I am back

To point out our failings and show where we lack

I play this guitar with burning anger 

We’re still Not The Good Guys

And we never were

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