Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: The Forbidden Curriculum

Propaganda decorates the walls, we’re taught to fear our masters

It’s in the rules that we don’t complain, if we do it is a disaster

Is this place Nazi Germany?

No it’s just my school

Subserviance is taught to me

The government’s prime tool

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation


National curriculum/National restriction

You can no longer use your brains

If you don’t go along with their marking schemes you’ll never get the grade!

Curriculumized, bastardized

School bores me, it’s no suprise

Creativity ain’t worth a hill of beans

With government approved marking schemes

We’re taught only what they want us to know,

Worthless “facts” not education

Punished when we speak out loud

Creating a slave-nation
