Too many observations

Too many notebooks filled

Too many creative outlets

Too many darlings killed

Too many lyrics sang to no one

Too many words unread

Too many ideas unwanted

Too much repeating what I said

Too much repeating what I said


Too free to be worth buying

Too hard a friend to keep

Too blunt in conversation

Too much the grandson of a priest

Too canary in the coal mine

Too much the spectre at the feast

Too straightedge for your parties

Too many questions probing deep

Too many questions probing deep


Too broken to get better

Too hopeful for despair

Too jaded by the bullshit

Too stubborn not to care

Too stubborn not to care


Too lacking references and mentors

Too few accomplishments of note

Too many other candidates competing

Too many of us stuck in the same boat

Too out of practice for the journals

Too everyday and imprecise

Too radical to take a chance on

Too much lost to a different life

Too much lost to a different life


Too honest for the classroom

Too much daily mental toll

Too few visions of what comes after

Too much losing of my soul

There’s too much losing of my soul  


Too much damage to stay longer

Too many things this system lacks

Too many structural complications

Too many years I won’t get back

Too many reasons for inaction

Too much I’ve sweat and too much I have have bled

Too used to comfort and to routine

Too easy staying ‘til I’m dead


To whom it may concern

Too often now I feel such dread

Too many sleepless nights

Too much repeating what I said

Too much repeating what I said


LYRIC: Pulse (January)


LYRIC: The Christmas That I Could Have Died