Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: I Can’t Be Every Day (March)

I can’t be every day just focusing on what went wrong

I can’t be every day putting frustrations in a song

I can’t be every day just cataloguing misfortune

I can’t be every day if every day is another day of woe

A day of woe

What is the point of life when nothing feels it’s going right?

The point of life is recognising there’s no point of life but life without a point is still alright

I can’t be every day making bold statements such as these

I can’t be every day developing new philosophies

I can’t be every day considering mortality

I can’t be every day exploring your hypotheses

I can’t be every day if every day is another day of woe

What is the point of life when nothing feels it’s going right?

The point of life is recognising there’s no point of life but also recognising that’s alright

That life without a point or plan

Without a God to hold your hand

Without meaning beyond meaning you give yourself…is alright

The human mind creates constructed realities

The more depressed you are the more accurately you see the world

The aim therefore isn’t for truth, but for fiction

That allows us to live in peace

Our minds carefully construct beautiful fantasies to save us from the awful truth

And philosophers - supposedly smart people - destroy those fantasies with the blunt force of logic and then wonder why their wisdom didn’t leave them happy?

We are not creatures designed for truth

We are creatures designed to share stories and make believe

We are dreamers, who unravel each day’s events only under cover of darkness and in a cloak of the unreal

Who cannot confront the specifics

And circle round subjects with therapists

There is no world as it is

There is only the world as it is to you.

And together we negotiate

A mutually agreed story

that makes the world

The best it can be for all of us

As best we can imagine it to be

Knowing no one person has the privilege

Of having all the answers

But we all can share our stories

For the only answer is that we don’t know

And that we don’t need to know

That we haven’t got the tools to know

Only to create

What is the point of life when nothing feels it’s going right?

The point of life is recognising there’s no point of life but also recognising that’s alright

That life without a point or plan

Without a God to hold your hand

Without meaning beyond meaning you give yourself…is alright