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LYRIC: There Must Be More Than This To Life

I'm astounded at your bitterness

Your apathy and unwillingness

To build a better place for us

And just accept this shit

The oppression's indisputable

It is unacceptable

So why are you so disagreeable

To alternatives to this?


Don't be fooled cuz you're comfortable

Aim for the impossible

To your boss you're just a pain in the ass

You lose your life to claim your wage

You lose more time everyday

Why do you put up with this crap?


There must be more than this to life?

Brainwashed so you cannot fight

And as they pull the budget tight

It's unfair but you don't speak out

Capitalist ideology

In the interests of them-not you and me

We must fight against THEM don't you see?

Don't be docile, SHOUT!


It's not in their interests to be nice

They care for money not people's lives

And it's the apathy that let this grow-you know

You may think utopias can't exist

But anything must be better than this

This exploitative system must go!



There must be more than this to life!