LYRIC: We Are The Rascal Multitude

I had a dream the other night

A teacher barking orders at the class

But instead of obeying

Some kids put up their hands and politely asked

How life would be, if from an early age

We were all treated as equals not as someone else's slaves

The class agreed that they wouldn't let themselves

Be pushed around unquestioned by anybody else

We all accept too much

This rogue consensus

Whilst deep inside we see

Better possibilities 

Each day there's someone who says no

Questioning norms and analyzing facts

This rebel lives inside us all

It is that itch we're so afraid to scratch

But still we do because we know that something's wrong

The game has been corrupted and we just won't play along

And so many of us try in our own little ways

To struggle through conventions and try to make a change

And they, the ones in charge

Shake, scared, and try so hard

To quell the rabble's dissent

But we just come back again

We are the rascal multitude 

Here to voice our opinions too

There's more of us than there are of you

And together we just cannot lose

You've manipulated much too much

Made us buy into all of your myths

But we never go away

We keep on coming back

We can see when we're cheated

And who exactly is stacking the decks

You try and cloud our seeing eyes

And say we're free when we're clearly oppressed

You have the tools, the media and money

And I guess you think it's funny that we're dying for your cause

But still we come, struggling against you

You may silence one movement but there's always plenty more

For life, lived on our knees

Is not life, it's slavery

We won't rest until we're free

And we've smashed your ideology

We are the rascal multitude 

Here to voice our opinions too

There's more of us than there are of you

And together we just cannot lose

You've manipulated much too much

Made us buy into all of your myths

But we never go away

We keep on coming back

We are the rascal multitude

We'll never go away


LYRIC: We’re Not The Good Guys


LYRIC: Socrates Wept