LYRIC: Profitganda (The New Variant)

I’ve been told to go to work and that it’s not a threat

By the propaganda spewed by business and government

We must do our jobs but not ask the reasons why

To keep our masters rich so many might have to die?


Essential work must still be done 

so society can run

Inessential work, meanwhile, 

exposes exploitation’s smile


We were told two metres – 

then just one inside a shop

Consume just as you did before, 

until you start to cough…


Think twice about the information you’re fed

Whose interests is it in?

It’s profits over people in the modern age

Do you think they care if you die?

It’s their money they want – not you – the money not you


Are we being told the full story?

What’s being kept out and what’s being put in?

The state controls the information and they want you back at work

If you believe everything you read you’re likely to get hurt


We’ll just tell them it’s safe now, 

But we can’t quite explain how

Take your masks off to eat out, 

but it’s not you who it helps out


We were told to stay at home

but not how we’d pay the bills

Forced the poor out into harm’s way 

so friends’ pockets could be filled 


Refused to learn from the past


Put us at risk to do pointless tasks


Eased the lockdown too fast


Encouraged not wearing masks


When you read more than briefings say

And listen to scientists

The evidence just overwhelms

How badly our government fucked this


Think twice about the information you’re fed

Whose interests is it in?

It’s profits over people in the modern age

Do you think they care if you die?

It’s their money they want – not you – the money not you


I won’t die to increase your wealth 


Hands/Face/Space/Stay Alert


LYRIC: Alternatives To Extinction


LYRIC: Stay Alert