LYRIC: Worm in their Head (August)

Did you think you could get rid of me so damn easily?

Did you think that because I’m not there they’ll forget about me?

I am oh so much more than your petty attempts to control

I am an idea that cannot be destroyed and has taken hold

I am the worm in their head

Did you think it enough to pretend I’m inappropriate?

That by saying I’m not welcome here that they might just forget?

Can you not understand I was there long before you took charge?

That I am the essence, repressed, of who they really are?

I am the worm in their head

Did you think you could trick them forever with divide and rule?

Did you think that they wouldn’t notice how you played them like fools?

Every time you used force to shut down those who wouldn’t let go

I simply bided my time to rise up another tomorrow .

I am the worm in their head

Did you think they would never notice how you always win?

Did you think that the comfort you felt wasn’t luring you in?

To that false security that comes when you think you’re on top

The illusory silence just before the other shoe drops

I am the worm in their head


LYRIC: Until it Doesn’t (September)


LYRIC: To Greet My Noise (July)