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LYRIC: The Christmas That I Could Have Died

Last Christmas I had COVID 19

And the very next day I still had COVID 19

Because it turns out that motherfucker stays for a while

This Christmas as the tree lights shine

And Cliff Richard sings of Mistletoe and Wine

I can’t help thinking ‘bout the Christmas that I could have died


It’s been nearly two years since this virus first arrived

And it’s easy to forget we’ve been lucky to survive

So far

So far


Last Christmas there was no vaccine

And very few treatments waiting under the tree

So I’ll raise a glass that my white cells did their job

This Christmas I’m at least double vaxxed

But the variants are coming out thick and fast

And I can’t help thinking ‘bout the Christmas that I could have died


Because all around me at this special time of year

Masks start to slip to sing a song of Christmas cheer

Too close

Too fucking close


Last Christmas I had COVID 19

And the very next year there is still lots to fear

But you wouldn’t know it from the tinsel on the street

This Christmas I’d love to let go

But the daily infection numbers grow 

And I can’t help thinking ‘bout the Christmas that I could have died


Trying to eat a mince pie with no smell or taste

Hoping I wouldn’t be the next they’d ventilate

Too many Christmas dinners have less mouths to feed

This year


But we’ve survived 


So far