Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: I’m Sick of All the Hustle


I’m sick of all the hustle

Life shouldn’t be this hard

It isn’t admirable 

how close to the line you are

Or how much you may have struggled

Your way up from the streets

Because everything you needed

Should’ve already been on every street

Right from the start


We shouldn’t celebrate this 

badly broken system

By making role models of 

The ones who wouldn’t let it kill them

Ignoring all the others

Too tired to take up arms

The ones without a choice but

To succumb to its harm 


Forty years of nine to five

You never missed a single payment

But you missed a whole lot of birthdays

And you never spent a single day fulfilled


We glorify this bullshit

How hard we work to make ends meet

How long we fought to make it 

The things we did so we could eat

And it serves only the system

The one that fails us every day

A fairy tale pretending

Things can’t be another way

Than the way they say


All we ever needed

Already it exists

But has been stolen from us

For somebody’s profits

To keep us all exploited

As if it is the natural way

But we could change the whole world

By changing everything today


But I’m sick of all the hustle