Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: Condemned To Repeat

Sometimes poetry just obscures

What should be simply said

When fuck the police says it all

Why use more words than are needed?


When you mean to say

fuck the government

Why say anything else

Than fuck the government?


When you just want to tell racists

to go and fuck themselves,

Phobics, incels, sexists and fascists

Why bother couch it in rhyme?


Metaphor can muddy the waters

So let’s now be crystal clear

Some lyrics are for high theory

But you’ll find none of that here


Just Fuck the police

Fuck the government too

To the racists, and sexists, and fascists

Fuck you


Fuck our silent politeness

Fuck my privileged whiteness

Time to say what we mean

In a world that’s obscene


Fuck you sad homophobics

Can’t you recognise love?

Fuck you bi and transphobics

Ain’t life hard enough?


Fuck your gods and your masters

unmasked anti-vaxxers

Fuck all the blind eyes

To our climate disaster


Fuck the billionaire bastards

Leave them all up in space

Fuck the phone in our hands

For the time that it wastes


Fuck all systems of oppression

history’s unlearnt lessons

We’re condemned to repeat/ Condemned to repeat