Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: Alternatives To Extinction


Eyes feel like they’re bleeding

Sucked dry by hungry screens

Lost with my attention

I’ve no more fucks to give


The sheer fucking stupidity

Of basically


Makes it very very hard for me

To want to see

Alternatives to extinction


I have to remember

It’s not entirely their fault

Advertising works

And it shits in your head each day


Don’t believe me?  Well I wrote this song

On an expensive phone

That I didn’t need

After playing mindless video games

On a new console

That I could not afford


More shoes than I have feet

More wants than I have needs


When the headlines sell you

Distorted narratives

And when your best friends share you

Propaganda clips


What chance have you got to know a thing?

Beyond echoing

The way that choirs sing

The conductor’s baton’s tightening

It’s so frightening

How much we are losing


The sheer fucking stupidity/ Of basically/ everyone/ Makes it very very hard for me/ To want to see/ Alternatives to extinction