Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Streets filled with conspiracy 

The Masses Screaming To Be Free 

Demonstrators everywhere 

The rich are having quite a scare 

Fighting against corruption and a murderous regime 

The masses are uprising and are taking to the streets 

Protest's a right supposedly in this democracy 

So why the fuck is everywhere surrounded by police? 

Banners and singing against tear-gas, clubs and guns 

Who is really protecting the peace? 

This is what democracy looks like 

Is this what democracy looks like? 

Everyday people get fucked 

By this system so corrupt 

Corporate, capitalist sacks of shit 

Screw us over for more profit 

But now we're getting restless and we're beating on our drums 

A battle cry for freedom in our mass demonstrations 

Our anger turned to magic and some more direct action 

A democratic right to voice our dissatisfaction 

We're growing stronger not going away 

In fear they bring in their armies! 

This is what democracy looks like 

Is this what democracy looks like? 

Cuz to me it just looks like Marshall law! 

Undercover cops sparking up violence 

Military nerve gasses to stop our dissent 

Arrested for political opinions 

As rubber bullets fly at our painted faces 

The class war illustrated 

As the cops protect the ruling class 

This is your fucking democracy 

Aren't you proud of what you let pass? 

Freedom of speech beaten away 

We speak our minds, their batons raise! 

The confrontation evidence they've something to protect 

Throw all you can at us cuz we will never rest! 

We will fight until we win 

Your mind manipulation is fading fast! 

This ain't what democracy looks like! 

This ain't what democracy looks like! 

Because it's not a democracy when you're beaten up for speaking out 

This ain't a democracy-oh no!