Everything DaN McKee

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LYRIC: To All My Almost Friends

It’s hard to find others

When you keep losing yourself

But harder to lose them

Because they wanted someone else

Think you’ve found a home

But it’s just foster care again

A temporary reprieve 

Until you’re out the door again


I don’t mean to be so difficult

But I will always speak my mind

The ones who like what they hear

Are the ones I need to find


Each time I’ve found my tribe

All too soon I don’t belong

Think that I’ve found my people

But soon find out I was wrong

Each time that I’m welcomed

I’m too soon shown to the door

I show the world who I am

It never asks for an encore


I don’t mean to be so difficult…


I light my beacon, hopeful

It will attract like-minded light

The beacon’s glow starts to smoulder…

Fades, unseen, into the night

I shout these words out in rhythm

Write down who I am in rhyme

My voice is a constant prayer

In a world with no divine


I don’t mean to be so difficult…


But I’m not changing for acceptance

Because those who get it, get it

And those who don’t…

…Were never worth the time