LYRIC: Same Ideologies/ Different Hairstyles

They're doing that dance again

Using all the same moves

Each one claiming concern

And an interest in you

They offer me up a choice

That gives me no choice

And participation

That gives me no voice

My representatives represent nothing I want or need

Behind the rhetoric and lies, there ain't nothing but greed

Same ideologies different hairstyles, same pro-freemarket creed

The choice of who sickens me less, that's my democracy

They say all the right things, promise us the earth

Such meaningless statements, the truth as clear as dirt

The same mistake every four years

And when has it ever paid off?

They play on our hopes and our fears

And fuck us again and again and again

They're raking it in-as we are suffering-just to profit them

No choice-between the parties-it's just the monied-whose interests are taken account of

When there's no meaning left in voting, disenfranchised all are we

We can't let them get away with this deception anymore

We are the many and they just the priveledged few

We have the numbers now all that's left to do is to...

Find our hearts, build our strength and reclaim what is ours once again


LYRIC: The Bigger Picture


LYRIC: The Trap