Everything DaN McKee: The Blog
Click on each link to read more
- Journal 40
- Education 18
- Personal 18
- Teaching 16
- Covid 19 13
- Music 13
- Writing 12
- Anarchism 11
- Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher 11
- Punk 10
- Sabbatical 10
- Strangely Shaped By Fathers 10
- Zine 10
- Philosophy 9
- Work 9
- Authentic Democracy 8
- Book 8
- Culture 8
- Interview 7
- Family 6
- Year In Review 6
- Academia 5
- Art 4
- Death 4
- Media 3
- Wrestling 3
- podcast 3
- Consumerism 2
- Lists 2
- Movies 2
- America 1
- Books 1
- Politics 1
- Sport 1
- Tattoos 1
- Theatre 1
- Tweet 1
- mom 1
- mothers day 1
Band Praxis - Punk and the Anarchist Squint
You can now read my chapter from the ANARCHISM AND PUNK book project for free here…
An error of punishment defences in the context of schooling
My latest philosophy paper is out in the Journal of Philosophy of Education…
Sabbatical 2
‘Issue #2’ of the online ‘zine’ of my Sabbatical (if you buy into the idea that this counts as a ‘zine). If not - it’s some rambling about what I did this week and some links you might enjoy.
Sabbatical 1
Last week, as the summer came to end and the first week of my self-imposed unemployment loomed, I began to get nervous about what happens next. It occurred to me that it might be fun to document the journey. At first I saw a ‘zine in my mind’s eye: I would call it SABBATICAL and I would work on it every week. I would write a bit about what I did and what I was feeling, and then at the end of however long I’m not working for, I’d put it all together and put it out. I liked the idea, but then I asked myself why a ‘zine when I have this blog already, gathering dust?…
More Philosophy Gets Schooled: Virtue Ethics
Listen to the latest PGS podcast I contributed to on Virtue Ethics.
Philosophy Gets Schooled
I’m on a new podcast for A-level students of philosophy and you can listen to it here…
The Function of a Crisis in the Time of School
Trying to do academic work outside of academia is difficult for a variety of reasons, but a significant one is the lack of feedback and critique from others…
Quitting My Job - The Thought Behind Making A Change (from Philosophy Unleashed)
I wrote this about my decision to leave my job at the end of the year…
The PropaDaNda Machine
I was interviewed about AUTHENTIC DEMOCRACY on a former student’s podcast recently. You can listen to it here…
DaN on Dissident Island Radio
“Last week I was interviewed by Pinda at Dissident Island Radio…”
Good News in Dark Times
“suddenly with a lot of new free time on my hands and trying to turn the lemons of coronavirus into lemonade, I decided to step up the thinking about it seriously and start writing in the academic style now to see if I still could. “
Explore the blog by CATEGORY…
- Academia
- America
- Anarchism
- Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher
- Art
- Authentic Democracy
- Book
- Books
- Consumerism
- Covid 19
- Culture
- Death
- Education
- Family
- Interview
- Journal
- Lists
- Media
- Movies
- Music
- Personal
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Punk
- Sabbatical
- Sport
- Strangely Shaped By Fathers
- Tattoos
- Teaching
- Theatre
- Tweet
- Work
- Wrestling
- Writing
- Year In Review
- Zine
- mom
- mothers day
- podcast