Everything DaN McKee: The Blog
Click on each link to read more
- Journal 40
- Education 18
- Personal 18
- Teaching 16
- Covid 19 13
- Music 13
- Writing 12
- Anarchism 11
- Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher 11
- Punk 10
- Sabbatical 10
- Strangely Shaped By Fathers 10
- Zine 10
- Philosophy 9
- Work 9
- Authentic Democracy 8
- Book 8
- Culture 8
- Interview 7
- Family 6
- Year In Review 6
- Academia 5
- Art 4
- Death 4
- Media 3
- Wrestling 3
- podcast 3
- Consumerism 2
- Lists 2
- Movies 2
- America 1
- Books 1
- Politics 1
- Sport 1
- Tattoos 1
- Theatre 1
- Tweet 1
- mom 1
- mothers day 1
2023: Year In Review
My driving instructor always told me to check my mirrors before moving forward and I guess the advice stuck…
Sabbatical 10
It’s the final ‘issue’ of this ‘run’ of the so-called ‘‘zine’ you haven’t even been reading. Why not make an afternoon of it and read all ten?
Sabbatical 8
Back after half-term for issue 8 - or: how I stopped worrying about my research and recorded a new punk rock EP instead
Sabbatical 7
What’s in the box? It’s issue SEVEN of this thing. This shitty blog ‘zine that doesn’t even know what it is has officially outlasted Liz Truss as Prime minister!
Sabbatical 6
It’s Issue 6 - I’ve officially had as long off work as a whole Summer Holiday - and there’s still another Summer Holiday’s worth of Sabbatical time left to go…yet will this ‘zine/blog even have five readers let alone 6?
Sabbatical 5
How are there 5 issues now of this thing that no-one wants and is too long for anyone to properly read? Consider it a testament to my commitment to empty causes!
Sabbatical 3
Issue 3 of Sabbatical ‘Zine. Frustrations with academia, a love of teaching, talks about anarchism, another terrible cartoon, music recommendations, and way too much information.
Sabbatical 2
‘Issue #2’ of the online ‘zine’ of my Sabbatical (if you buy into the idea that this counts as a ‘zine). If not - it’s some rambling about what I did this week and some links you might enjoy.
The Function of a Crisis in the Time of School
Trying to do academic work outside of academia is difficult for a variety of reasons, but a significant one is the lack of feedback and critique from others…
Quitting My Job - The Thought Behind Making A Change (from Philosophy Unleashed)
I wrote this about my decision to leave my job at the end of the year…
Looking Back on 2021
Every year I feel the need to look back on the last twelve months and take stock. It’s a tradition I’ve upheld since long before digital journals were a thing…
Remembering Mom
“mom may have driven me crazy, but there is also no doubt she was a great mother. In fact, she might have been great because she drove me crazy“
Explore the blog by CATEGORY…
- Academia
- America
- Anarchism
- Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher
- Art
- Authentic Democracy
- Book
- Books
- Consumerism
- Covid 19
- Culture
- Death
- Education
- Family
- Interview
- Journal
- Lists
- Media
- Movies
- Music
- Personal
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Punk
- Sabbatical
- Sport
- Strangely Shaped By Fathers
- Tattoos
- Teaching
- Theatre
- Tweet
- Work
- Wrestling
- Writing
- Year In Review
- Zine
- mom
- mothers day
- podcast