Everything DaN McKee: The Blog

COVID 19 - What I Didn’t Want for Christmas
Journal, Teaching, Personal, Covid 19 DaN McKee Journal, Teaching, Personal, Covid 19 DaN McKee

COVID 19 - What I Didn’t Want for Christmas

“We are a cowardly profession that hides behind a misplaced sense of duty and, as a result, normalised dangerous behaviours across the country which have led us into this mess. “Just following orders” is never a good enough excuse. The government should be held accountable, yes, but more so the school leaders and unions who let them get away with it.”

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Getting a Tattoo in the Time of Covid

Getting a Tattoo in the Time of Covid

“So why the tattoo? Why go to a place in close quarters with other people (albeit masked and visored) and let them cut you open, giving yourself an open wound and adding the possibility of other infection to the list of pre-existing risks in your life and risk Covid in the process? Honestly, the answer is a fuck it sense of fatalism brought about by the disregard to my, and all other teacher and students’, health and safety shown by the government.“

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