Everything DaN McKee: The Blog

COVID 19 - What I Didn’t Want for Christmas
Journal, Teaching, Personal, Covid 19 DaN McKee Journal, Teaching, Personal, Covid 19 DaN McKee

COVID 19 - What I Didn’t Want for Christmas

“We are a cowardly profession that hides behind a misplaced sense of duty and, as a result, normalised dangerous behaviours across the country which have led us into this mess. “Just following orders” is never a good enough excuse. The government should be held accountable, yes, but more so the school leaders and unions who let them get away with it.”

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To Bury Me Alive Again

To Bury Me Alive Again

“I am not merely returning to work tomorrow, I and all other teachers across the country are returning to be pawns in a political stunt that will put much of the country at great risk under the propagandist illusion of a moral imperative to get children back in school.”

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