Everything DaN McKee: The Blog

Obligatory 2020 Year In Review Post

Obligatory 2020 Year In Review Post

“despite 2020 being the obvious poster child for an awful year, I don’t look back on it as the worst year ever. 2010 already wins that honour for me. The year my dad died unexpectedly and I became a teacher at the price of all my freedom. Or maybe 2012, the year my mom got her terminal cancer diagnosis? Or 2013, the year that she finally died? There have been worse years on a personal level and even on a global level”

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Observations From The Front
Covid 19, Work, Education, Journal DaN McKee Covid 19, Work, Education, Journal DaN McKee

Observations From The Front

“It has been a week now since being thrust back into a busy school full of nearly a thousand people after six months of living safely and solitarily in lockdown.  Here are some observations from the frontline of Covid 19, in one of the UK’s worst areas for infection, Birmingham, just days before we return to a stricter, nationally imposed, lockdown…”

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Getting a Tattoo in the Time of Covid

Getting a Tattoo in the Time of Covid

“So why the tattoo? Why go to a place in close quarters with other people (albeit masked and visored) and let them cut you open, giving yourself an open wound and adding the possibility of other infection to the list of pre-existing risks in your life and risk Covid in the process? Honestly, the answer is a fuck it sense of fatalism brought about by the disregard to my, and all other teacher and students’, health and safety shown by the government.“

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“just as I was about to record With Burning Anger, I found the demo I’d made and forgotten of Stay Alert. Once I remembered how to play it, got it in a key I could actually sing (the original key blew my voice out so bad my throat hurt for two weeks!), and finished off the lyrics, I was ready. This week I recorded them both and decided to release them today on Bandcamp“

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Rethinking Kindness
Punk, Personal, Journal, Culture, Covid 19 DaN McKee Punk, Personal, Journal, Culture, Covid 19 DaN McKee

Rethinking Kindness

“Kindness in punk didn’t mean smiles and flowers. It wasn’t instagram-vapid and hashtag-ready, it was rough around the edges and sullen. It swore, it was prickly, but its heart was big and definitely in the right place. The song might yell “fuck you” and the fighting in the mosh pit might seem aggressive, but if you needed someone to help you out when the world had turned its back, there was no better place.”

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