How Has Johnson Not Gone Yet?

I’ve finally had time this weekend after a busy week at work to enjoy some of my birthday gifts from last week. As I sit reading Cold War Steve’s exceptional Journal of the Plague Year, the media continues to be full of people outraged that Boris Johnson’s government held numerous lockdown-flaunting work parties while the rest of us suffered in isolation, unable to see - or bury - our loved ones. The calls for his resignation are growing. But I cannot understand why it might be this - the parties - that, in the end, might be his downfall and not the multiple failings of his government that led to the deaths - and continuing infections - of so many. That he might end up having to resign because he broke a rule about socialising instead of being kicked out of office for the copious blood on his hands speaks to the significant disappointment I feel on a daily basis towards my fellow citizens.

We all saw the last two years. The parties are the least of Johnson’s crimes.


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