Everything DaN McKee

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Blogging via Playlists

Yes - I know I haven’t written on here at all in 2021 yet. I would say I’ve been crap, but actually it’s because I’ve been not crap following my Christmas bout with COVID and have been catching up with a lot of the things I was unable to do while ill. Alongside another lockdown and so another half term of remote teaching and having to rewrite and reimagine all our lessons, I have been busy working on an exciting new piece of academic writing I’ve been asked to contribute for an upcoming book and writing some new music. The first song, which I released a few weeks ago, was a reworking of an old Academy Morticians song of mine - Profitganda - updated for the pandemic era. Another new song is currently emerging from the work in progress status and should be ready to record pretty soon. As I also keep a handwritten journal and have been researching another piece of academic work besides the book chapter - there’s been little time to blog in my spare time. Self care means not worrying too much about it. But I did feel that I should post something and break the back of the silence, so thought I’d draw your attention to the fact that if you’re interested I do have loads of public playlists I’ve curated over the years on Spotify. I realise that I make them all public but don’t actually tell anyone - so today I decided I should start telling you. Every week of remote teaching I’ve done since January, while I may not have been blogging I have been recording my thoughts and feelings in a way because I’ve made a playlist each week (Hidden Soundtracks of Remote Learning Volume 1 - 7 this week). Likewise, every week of 2020 since the first lockdown began I started making COVID playlists to mark the moods of every week. I’ve made playlists of my own music, playlists to mark and celebrate different occasions, and playlists to just enjoy and highlight my favourite bands and vibes. If you’re interested in punk, rock, hip hop, indie or even pop it’s worth checking some of them out. Just search for me on there (SSBFathers) and enjoy!